It’s those at-risk students who had recently dropped out or who are seriously behind in credits. It is critically important to keep them engaged and not dropping out. We know that even small interruptions to their momentum can derail their educational progress.


Which is why Learn4Life quickly moved to virtual instruction for our 23,000+ at-risk students in California, Michigan and Ohio within 48 hours. Thanks to our flexible model of personalized learning, it was an easy transition to immediately begin reaching out to students to ensure they are still involved in their studies. We even had a graduation within the first week of remote instruction!


Our students don’t assemble in large classes at our schools, but they schedule one-on-one meetings with teachers and tutors. This dynamic continues with technology such as Google Hangouts, a private YouTube curriculum channel and instant messaging. Students have access to virtual tutoring and counseling; special ed IEP meetings continue remotely. We are providing hot spots and devices to students who need it. Every day we provide meals for students to pick up, and for our students with babies, diapers and formula.


Nothing is more important than keeping at-risk students stable, engaged and progressing toward a diploma. Losing them to the dropout crisis is another pandemic we must keep from spreading. More schools need to adopt different methods of teaching kids because not only does one size not fit all in education, but flexibility is critical during times of crisis.

Written By:
Ann Abajian
Antelope ValleyCentral ValleyHigh DesertInland EmpireLos AngelesNorth CharlestonOxnardSacramentoSan DiegoSan Fernando Valley